Karen L. Whelan
Karen Whelan is accomplished in auditing for large hospital healthcare systems, Level I trauma hospitals, and physician practices. She has previously worked as a Physician Coding Auditor & Educator, Coding Compliance Auditor, Senior Surgical Coder, Hospice Medicare Coding & Billing Specialist, Office Administrator, Medical Biller/Insurance AR Specialist, and a Dental Assistant.
Karen holds numerous professional certifications, including CPC, CPMA, CPCO, CGSC, COSC, CCVTC, and a Certificate in Advanced Neurology and Neurosurgery. She is a member of the AAPC and served on the AAPC CGSC Steering Committee in 2022. She has been a featured speaker at engagements for AAPC Spartanburg, SC Chapter, Georgia Association of Orthopedic Executives, and the Georgia Association of Physicians Assistants.
Karen loves spending time with her two adult daughters and enjoys travel, great food, music, books, and any time spent outdoors in the coastal beach community in which she lives.