Scott Manaker, MD, PhD
Coding & Reimbursement Summit: Keynote Speaker
Dr. Manaker is an actively practicing pulmonary and critical care physician in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he is also Professor of Medicine and the Physician Advisor to the Penn Medicine Office of Billing Compliance. He has represented both the American College of Physicians (ACP) and the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) at the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Relative Value Unit (RVU) Update Committee (RUC) in the past, and currently chairs the RUC Practice Expense Subcommittee for the AMA. Dr. Manaker serves on the Novitas Solutions Medicare Contractor Advisory Committee for Pennsylvania, and was appointed to his fourth term on the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Outpatient Panel (HOP) on Ambulatory Payment Classification (APC) Groups, a federal advisory committee. Dr. Manaker lectures widely across the United States as a physician advocate, speaking on chart documentation, coding, billing and reimbursement topics including the teaching physician regulations, critical care, evaluation and management coding, consultation policies, non-physician providers, and the impact of electronic medical records.