Coding Both Dix-Hallpike and the Epley Maneuver


I billed 95992 (Epley) and 92532 for the Dix-Hallpike I did. I got paid for 95992 but not 92532. Should I have used a modifier to get paid and should we appeal the denial?


No. CPT 92532 is for positional nystagmus testing without a recording such as what you did for a Dix-Hallpike maneuver. CPT allows coding both 95992 and 92532 together. That said, Medicare, and most payors, consider this service included in the E/M or other service (95992) code you reported and not separately payable. .

We consider the performing the Dix-Hallpike, without a permanent recording, to be part of the exam performed and not separately billable. We do not recommend appealing the denial.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 02/20/20.

KZA - Otolaryngology (ENT) - Coding Coach

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