Excisional Debridement Two Fractures:


Our surgeon treated a patient who presented with an open fracture of the distal tibia and fibula. The surgeon performed an excisional debridement down to and including the bone removing devitalized tissue and gravel and other debris that imbedded into the open fracture site. Is CPT code 11012 reported twice for debridement of the tibia and fibula?

Thank you for your inquiry. As you describe the work performed, the excisional debridement of both bones was performed through the same open wound. Report CPT Code 11012 with 1 unit to represent debridement “at the site” of the open fracture. CPT code 11012 reads, “Debridement including removal of foreign material at the site of an open fracture and/or an open dislocation (eg, excisional debridement); skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, muscle, and bone.”

KZA - Orthopaedics - Coding Coach

Overreading a Diagnostic Imaging Study


2021 E/M Guidelines and Consultation Codes