Shared Visits in the Hospital for Medicare


I have a question regarding 2023 shared visit rules. I am reviewing an E&M note where I will select the level of E&M based on the MDM being the substantive part and not time. My question: does each provider have to document their individual time if not a factor in the level of E&M I recommend?


No, the documentation of time is not required if Time will not be a determining factor in E&M code selection.

CMS has delayed the implementation of Time as driver for defining the substantive part of the shared encounter until January 2024.

The following excerpt is from the Final Rule published in November 2022.

Page 212:
“After consideration of public feedback, we proposed to delay implementation of our definition of the substantive portion as more than half of the total time until January 1, 2024. We continued to believe it is appropriate to define the substantive portion of a split (or shared) service as more than half of the total time, and proposed that this policy will be effective beginning January 1, 2024….”

You may consider working with your providers to start documenting time should CMS move forward with a final implementation of Time as the driver of substantive time in 2024. This would allow them to become familiar with including this in their notes, while informational at this time, if the code is to be selected on the MDM and not time.

KZA - Interventional Pain - Coding Coach

Time Reporting for E/M Levels


Coding Percutaneous Rods and Screws: Part 3