Harvest of Abdominal Fat Graft


My doctor harvested abdominal fat that he then used in the nose to close the area when he did an endoscopic removal of a pituitary tumor (62165). I want to bill 15770, but my doctor thinks the correct code is 20926. What do you recommend?


Your doctor is correct with 20926 (Tissue grafts, other (e.g., paratenon, fat, dermis)). CPT 15770 (Graft; derma-fat-fascia) is used for a composite graft when more than one layer of tissue is harvested and placed (e.g., fat and fascia). When only one layer of tissue is harvested, such as fat, report 20926.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 12/17/15.

KZA - Neurosurgery - Coding Coach

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