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Dermatology Dermatology

Reporting an Excision and Repair on the Same Day

My provider excised an epidermal cyst on the patient’s neck with a defect of 1.2cm. She also reported that she did an intermediate layered closure of the same size. I reported codes 11422 for the excision and 12041 for the suture repair. A modifier 59 was appended to code 12041 but the payer is denying it stating the modifier is inappropriate. I resubmitted the claim removing modifier 59 to the procedure 11422 but it denied for the same reason. Should I be using modifier 51 instead of 59?


My provider excised an epidermal cyst on the patient’s neck with a defect of 1.2cm. She also reported that she did an intermediate layered closure of the same size. I reported codes 11422 for the excision and 12041 for the suture repair. A modifier 59 was appended to code 12041 but the payer is denying it stating the modifier is inappropriate. I resubmitted the claim removing modifier 59 to the procedure 11422 but it denied for the same reason. Should I be using modifier 51 instead of 59?


The excision 11422 and intermediate repair 12041 are not bundled under the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI).  You should not report these two services with Modifier 59.  You should report the repair with Modifier 51.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 10/20/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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Dermatology Dermatology

Billing Multiple Units

When billing 4 units of 11620 (4 charges with 1unit a piece with 76 modifier) to a Medicare Advantage plans we are getting denied for MUE stating that 3 units can only be reimbursed on the same date. Will changing the modifier to 59 bypass this edit or is it Medicare’s policy limit.


When billing 4 units of 11620 (4 charges with 1unit a piece with 76 modifier) to a Medicare Advantage plans we are getting denied for MUE stating that 3 units can only be reimbursed on the same date. Will changing the modifier to 59 bypass this edit or is it Medicare’s policy limit.


An MUE of 3 is the maximum number of units you can report for a single beneficiary on a single date of service for the procedure. It would be inappropriate to bill the service with 4 units with Modifier 59.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 09/22/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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Dermatology Dermatology

Attempted Foreign Body

When billing a foreign body removal code of 10120, the surgeon incises the finger and looks around for 25 mins and no foreign body is found, do we bill a 52 since no FB was found or do we bill the 10120 without the modifier since the provider did perform the procedure? I can’t seem to find any guidance on this. Can you help?


When billing a foreign body removal code of 10120, the surgeon incises the finger and looks around for 25 mins and no foreign body is found, do we bill a 52 since no FB was found or do we bill the 10120 without the modifier since the provider did perform the procedure? I can’t seem to find any guidance on this. Can you help?


Make sure that the physician documented that the incision was within thesubcutaneous tissue (required for CPT 10120).  When a procedure is considered to have ‘failed,’ specifically the expected result of the procedure is not achieved, the procedure is coded as performed.  You should report the procedure with Modifier 52 anddue to the fact that there was no foreign body discovered, the service was reduced. Using modifier 52 provides a means of reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 08/25/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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Dermatology Dermatology

Diagnosis Coding Help

Can you please assist with the diagnosis for a Compound Dysplastic Nevi of back?


Can you please assist with the diagnosis for a Compound Dysplastic Nevi of back?

Biopsy confirmed and not completely excused. Patient comes in for excision of lesion. What diagnosis code should I use?


The correct diagnosis code for a dysplastic nevi of the trunk is D22.5 (melanocytic nevi of trunk)

*This response is based on the best information available as of 07/28/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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Dermatology Dermatology

Mohs Coding Dilemma

I am new in Dermatology coding and am currently coding for a Mohs surgeon. I was instructed that if the patient comes in and does not have a confirmed malignancy based on a pathology report and the physician does a biopsy to confirm the malignancy prior to Mohs surgery we can bill 88311 for pathology and the Mohs procedure on the same date. Is this correct?


I am new in Dermatology coding and am currently coding for a Mohs surgeon. I was instructed that if the patient comes in and does not have a confirmed malignancy based on a pathology report and the physician does a biopsy to confirm the malignancy prior to Mohs surgery we can bill 88311 for pathology and the Mohs procedure on the same date. Is this correct?


If there is not a pathology report that confirms the patient has a malignancy and meets the criteria for Mohs surgery then you can report Mohs (17311-17315) based on the anatomic area, and stage performed and 88311-59. You must use a 59 modifier because the Mohs procedure codes and 88311 are bundled under the National Correct Coding Initiative. CMS states, “The surgical pathology codes 88300-88309 and 88331-88332 and 88342 are part of the Mohs surgery and are bundled into 17311-17315. One exception is that it would be appropriate to report 88311 with Modifier 59 if a pathology report does not exist for the patient or the pathology report is 60 days or older or cannot obtained (CMS). Keep in mind Code 88311 (Surgical Pathology, gross and microscopic examination) for the preparation and interpretation of the slides taken during the procedure is included in the Mohs procedure codes. Do not forget to also report the appropriate biopsy code with Modifier 59.

Two CMS reference might be helpful for you to review below.

CMS Mohs reference:

*This response is based on the best information available as of 06/30/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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Dermatology Dermatology

CPT code 10080 versus 10081

I am trying to code an I&D of a pilonidal cyst. CPT 10080 is simple and 10081 is complicated. How to do I know which code to choose?


I am trying to code an I&D of a pilonidal cyst. CPT 10080 is simple and 10081 is complicated. How to do I know which code to choose?


Great question, you would report CPT 10081 (complicated) if the procedure requires marsupialization, approximation of the wound’s edges, and/or primary closure.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 06/02/22.

KZA - Dermatology - Coding Coach
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