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Use of Acellular Dermal Matrix for Soft Tissue Reinforcement

What code can I use when I place acellular dermal matrix in a parotid defect? I’ve looked at 15777 and it seems to describe what I’m doing. Is it OK to use this code?


What code can I use when I place acellular dermal matrix in a parotid defect? I’ve looked at 15777 and it seems to describe what I’m doing. Is it OK to use this code?


CPT 15777 is an add-on code and says: Implantation of biologic implant (e.g., acellular dermal matrix) for soft tissue reinforcement (e.g., breast, trunk) (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure). At first glance this code may seem appropriate to use, however, look closely and you’ll see the statement “e.g., breast, trunk.” This means the code only applies to use in the breast or trunk areas. If the code had indicated “e.g., breast, trunk” then the breast and trunk would be examples of the code use and we could report 15777 for placement into a parotid defect. But this is not the case; therefore, there is no code for placement of an acellular dermal matrix product in a head and neck defect (e.g., parotid, temporal bone area). You could use an unlisted code such as 17999 (Unlisted procedure, skin, mucous membrane and subcutaneous tissue) and compare it to 15777.

*This response is based on the best information available as of 03/26/15.

KZA - Otolaryngology (ENT) - Coding Coach
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Ear Canal Debridement…Again

What CPT code would I use for a debridement of purulent debris from the ear canal, with or without placement of a wick in, such as when the patient has Swimmer’s ear? One of my colleagues…


What CPT code would I use for a debridement of purulent debris from the ear canal, with or without placement of a wick in, such as when the patient has Swimmer’s ear? One of my colleagues told me he bills cerumen removal (69210) because there is always a little bit of cerumen mixed in the debris. I thought I’d better check on that.


Good idea to check! CPT 69210 (Removal impacted cerumen requiring instrumentation, unilateral) requires the cerumen be impacted and the diagnosis should be 380.4 (Impacted cerumen). If the diagnosis is really Swimmer’s ear and there is “a little bit” of cerumen, then it doesn’t seem right to use 69210 with a diagnosis of 380.4. There is not a CPT code for ear canal debridement for Swimmer’s ear. This service is considered part of the E&M code you will report for that visit. However, if you used the microscope for the diagnosis and treatment then you could also report 92504 (Binocular microscopy (separate diagnostic procedure)).

*This response is based on the best information available as of 01/22/15.

KZA - Otolaryngology (ENT) - Coding Coach
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